Thursday, 14 November 2013

How to Add Dislike Button to Facebook

Facebook allows people to like their favorite stuff but you can�t dislike things that you hate. Facebook has not introduced dislike button till now. But you can still have dislike button along with like button for all stuff on Facebook. Just install Facebook dislike 1.1 extensions for chrome or add-on for firefox.

After installation of extension, you will be able to dislike Photos, status updates etc. on Facebook

So that�s all about 30 Facebook tips and tricks that I learned till now. Tell me which Facebook trick you like the most? Also feel free to share these Facebook tricks with your friends.

If you know about another trick related to Facebook then share it in comments so that we can include it in our list.

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How To Hack Your Friends Facebook Password

Today I am Going To Show You How To Hack Your Friends Facebook Password

When you open Facebook for login purpose, you have to fill two fields including username/email and password. By default the password box is masked. You can convert it into a normal text box by modifying Facebook element code. So, after apply the trick, you will be able to see whatever is typed in the password field. First of all open Facebook page in any web browser (I�m using Mozilla Firefox) and right click anywhere and select option named �Inspect Elements�.  It will open the source code of Facebook. Press Ctrl+F and find the word password in the elements. You will find an input field whose type will be password by default. Just replace password with text and you will be able to see whatever is written in the password box.


Monday, 11 November 2013

How To Add More Stickers/Emoticons to Facebook Chat

all know that Facebook added good looking and larger emoticons to chat window which were seen long back in handheld devices. These emoticons/stickers can be added to conversations by clicking on the smiling face that you can see at the bottom of the chat window

Not many people know that you can add more stickers to the existing collection. Just click on the icon with shopping basket at the top of the chat window.

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